Sri Ganganagar : An unknown person cheated a person of Rs 43 lakh 46 thousand 294 by luring a person from Suratgarh of the district to give him Rs 2.5 crore in exchange of old currency. The victim is a resident of Ward 10 of Suratgarh. He has registered a case in this regard at the cyber police station of Sriganganagar. The incident is about three months old.
During this time the thug contacted the accused through WhatsApp. When the victim fell into the trap, the accused started getting him to transfer money to his account, telling him about registration fees and many other expenses. At first the victim did not pay attention due to the greed of getting Rs 2.5 crore, but when the accused got Rs 43 lakh 46 thousand 294 transferred to his account within three months, the victim came to know that he was being cheated. On this the victim registered a case in the cyber police station.
In the case registered by Rampratap Soni, son of Khirajram Soni, resident of Ward 10, Suratgarh, it has been said that he received a WhatsApp call on September 5. The caller told that he is fond of old currency. After valuing the currency, he pays the rupee to the seller of the currency accordingly. If he has some currency he can sell it. On this, Ram Pratap sent him the currency available with him on WhatsApp. Describing these as very old currencies, the accused said that he could get paid up to Rs 2.5 crore in exchange for these currencies.