Sawai Madhopur : Malarna Dungar police station of Sawai Madhopur has taken action in the case of making indecent remarks against Lord Shri Ram on social media. Police have arrested a youth from Shesha village of Malarna Dungar police station area. Police have arrested the accused youth Sohail Khan from his village Shesha for making objectionable remarks.
Police station in-charge Sampat Singh said that the accused had made indecent remarks against Lord Shri Ram on social media Instagram. Due to which there was a possibility of worsening the communal atmosphere in the area. People of Hindu community of Malarna Dungar town had given a memorandum to the police regarding the incident.
After this Malarna Dungar police station came into action. After springing into action, the police reached the house of the accused and interrogated him about making comments against Lord Shri Ram on social media. Then the accused Sohail started arguing with the police and said that I did not post anything on social media, but when the accused was cited that indecent remarks have been made against Lord Shri Ram through your Instagram account, the accused police Started arguing with. On this, the police arrested the accused under section 126/170 IPC and put him in jail.