Shocking incident in Rajasthan, snake bites two innocent children, mourning prevails in the house

Ajmer : In Amarpur village of Ajmer, Rajasthan, 2 children were bitten by a cobra snake. One incident after another created panic in the whole family. The family members were not yet able to get over the grief of the death of the elder son when the younger son was also bitten by a snake. Two days ago on Monday, the younger son Virendra Singh, who was only 3 years old, was bitten by a snake. Whereas, 3 months ago, Virendra’s elder brother Devendra, who was 5 years old, was also bitten by a cobra snake.

Kailash Singh, the father of the children, said, “When the snake bit the elder son, a search was conducted for it. But it was not found. The villagers together searched for the snake that had bitten me in my house as well as in the surrounding houses for several hours, but nothing was found. On Monday night, when the younger son was sleeping, he was also bitten by a snake. We took the child to the hospital, where he was treated, but the poison had spread a lot in his body. The doctors could not save him. After taking two lives, now it is known that the snake was present in the house itself. It has been caught. Everything is over for us.”

Death due to snake bite in Rajasthan

In Rajasthan, about 13 people have died due to snake bites in the last one month. The number of children among them is high. A few days ago, a girl was bitten by a poisonous snake, which led to her death. It should be noted that during the rainy season, snakes come out of their holes in search of safe places, because during the rainy season, water enters their burrows.

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