Prayagraj, 6 December (IANS). Amidst the preparations for 2025 Mahakumbh, after the allotment of land for the Akharas, the process of Bhoomi Pujan of the saints has started. In this series, on Friday, Shri Panchayati Akhara Mahanirvani performed Bhoomi Pujan at an auspicious time. On this occasion, Veda readers performed Havan Yagya along with Vedic mantras and Bhoomi Pujan was performed. The saints also prayed to Mother Ganga, Yamuna Saraswati for the smooth completion of the 2025 Mahakumbh.
With the Bhoomi Pujan, a series of rituals taking place in the Akhara also begin. On this occasion, Mahant Yamuna Puri of Shri Panchayati Mahanivasi Akhara said, Mahakumbh festival of Vikram Samvat 2081 is being organized. Under this, today we performed Bhoomi Pujan at Shri Panchayati Mahanivasi Akhara at our Kumbh Mela forest. The place where we are organizing is the sacred land of Mother Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati.
He further told that all the deities, area lords etc. of Tirtha Raj Prayag are worshipped. Only after this all work is started by taking the name of Lord Ganapati. Lord Kapil Mahamuni Ji is the fifth incarnation of Siddha Munishwar out of the twenty-four incarnations of Lord Vishnu, the favorite of Shri Panchayati Mahanivasi Akhara. After this, now his temple will be built in Pratham. After this, there is an arrangement for the saint to sit and hold the meeting. There are arrangements for stores, langar etc. There are arrangements for the accommodation of saints. We will start all this from today, meaning construction work will be started.
According to the information of Mahant Yamuna Puri, Shri Panchayati Mahanivasi Akhara Dharmadhwaj is on 22nd December and Kumbh Mela entry journey is on 2nd January.
In the Bhoomi Pujan of the Akhara on Friday, the sages, saints, mahatmas and successors of all the Akharas are present here. This puja has been done with good wishes for the upcoming Kumbh.