Sirohi : Sirohi’s Swaroopganj police station has arrested four people including the bride while disclosing the case of fake bride registered on July 4. The police presented all four in the court. Where the court has sent the thieves to jail. SP Anil Kumar said that a person lodged a report in Swaroopganj police station that the broker got him married in another society for Rs 2.5 lakh as he was not in the society. The broker talked to him about getting married in Pandhari Post Charka Pura Tehsil Chandri Bazar District Amravati Gujarat and the broker made him meet a girl named Sushma as per Hindu customs. Sent Sushma home with him. Where they stayed together for a few days. The family members bought her gold and silver ornaments and gave them as gifts. Then they all went to visit Bageshwar Dham (MP), Pushkar and Salasar Hanuman Dham. While coming out after visiting the Hanuman temple, Sushma suddenly ran away and went straight to Amravati. The entire gang cheated her and collected around Rs 4 lakh at different times and the police registered a case of fraud and absconding of the bride after doing a fake marriage and started investigation.
In this case, a special team was formed on the instructions of SP Anil Kumar. The team formed on the instructions of the SP arrested the four accused and presented them in the court on Monday evening. From there he was sent to jail on the orders of the court. In the case, the police arrested the bride Sushma (26) daughter Kishore Abhyankar Patel, Kailash (62) son Sukhdev Aggarwal, Sindhu wife Vilas Rao Igade and princess wife Vijay Telmore. Swaroopganj police station officer Kamal Singh, head constable Govindram, constable Wagaram, Mahendra Kumar and lady constable Ramu were present in the formed police team.