Sriganganagar : Multitech Bulls, a software technology sector company, inaugurated its modern office on Thursday at 73 E Block, first floor, near Shani Mandir. On this occasion, chief guests Dr. Ashwini Nagpal (Nagpal Charitable Trust), Dr. Amit Singla, Neeraj Kataria, Mukesh Mittal, Deepak Garg and Shanky Arora were present.
At the beginning of the program, all the guests were welcomed by Ankur Soni, Mohit Pandey, Sudheep Pareek and Lokesh Verma. Ankur Soni, CEO of Multitech Bulls Software Technologies, said that we had resolved from the very beginning that we will provide the best technical solutions to the customers. With the love and trust of the people of Sri Ganganagar, we have reached this stage today.