‘Status, murder and suicide’ Husband killed his wife and then committed suicide due to just one status

Jhunjhunu : Rajesh, a 30-year-old soldier living in Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan, grabbed his wife Manju’s head and hit it on the wall several times. He hit her so hard that her head broke and Manju died. After killing Manju, Rajesh also hanged himself. The dispute behind this incident has now come to light. Actually, Manju’s mother-in-law and father-in-law had given her jewelry to their daughter and said that they have sold the jewelry. But when Manju saw the status of her sister-in-law Sanjana, she was stunned. She was wearing the same jewelry that her father-in-law had asked her to wear to save. A status on the mobile phone took the life of the husband and wife.

Manju and Rajesh got married 2 years ago

Gudha police of Jhunjhunu district said that Manju and Rajesh were married 2 years ago. Rajesh was in the army for 9 years. Manju’s brother Vikram said that everything was not going well in Manju and her family. Mother-in-law and father-in-law took the jewellery given by us at the time of marriage and told them to keep it in the locker. When Manju asked for jewellery to wear on festivals, she was told that the jewellery has been sold and necessary work has to be done at home with this money.

The wife agreed after her husband explained it to her…but

When Manju told her husband Rajesh about this, Rajesh said that he would soon get new jewellery made for her. Hearing this, Manju also calmed down. Manju also mentioned this to her brother Vikram and other family members. But everyone said that everything will be fine with time.

A status on a mobile phone led to murder and suicide

Meanwhile, a status on the mobile phone created a ruckus. Manju saw her sister-in-law wearing her jewellery and the sister-in-law had put a status about it. There was a quarrel in the house over this matter and Rajesh and Manju left the house. They had started living in a rented room 5 days ago. But on Sunday, there was a dispute again over the jewellery and after this dispute, a murder and suicide incident took place. Police said that they are investigating the whole incident seriously.

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