Strange incident in Rajasthan, young man dies after romance, everyone is shocked, know the matter

Jodhpur : the news is from Jodhpur rural area of ​​Rajasthan. This is the entire case of Keru town in the rural area. At present, the police is investigating this matter and it is being said that the entire case will be solved soon. But the incident is very shocking.

The boy and the girl were in the same room

Actually last week on Saturday night when the Indian cricket team was registering a victory over South Africa, a 15 year old boy named Chetan, hiding from his family, went to meet his classmate who lived in another town. Both the boy and the girl were in the same room. During this time, the family members found out about him.

The corpse was picked up and thrown on the side of the highway

It is being told that when Chetan ran away from there, he died after coming in contact with electric wires in a nearby field. The girl’s family picked up his body and threw it near the highway. When the family found Chetan’s body the next morning, there was a ruckus. The family did not pick up the body for about 24 hours, after which a murder case was registered against the accused party. On the other hand, on Sunday night, the girl tried to commit suicide by jumping from her three-storey house. She jumped from the third floor, but her hands and legs are broken, she is admitted in the hospital.

There was chaos in both the families

Police officials say that a case of murder has been registered. But the accused have not been arrested. Investigation is going on in this matter. But after this incident, there is chaos in both the houses. Both of them studied in the same class. Chetan’s family says that his son was beaten badly and after killing him, his body was thrown here.

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