Teachers’ photos will be put up in government schools, HC gives order

Jaipur News Desk – Rajasthan High Court has issued a very shocking order to the education department. Under this, instructions have been given to put photographs of teachers in government schools. If this happens then it will be the first time in the entire country when a teacher’s photograph will be found hanging outside the principal’s office. This special method is being adopted to avoid scams. Let us tell you that two big cases related to dummy teachers had come to light in the state, teachers who were getting a government salary of 70 to 90 thousand were sending others to teach in their place by paying just 3 thousand rupees. To stop such cases, a method through photographs has been found.

In the case related to dummy teachers, the government took action and recovered 2 crore rupees from the guilty teachers. The couple involved in the scam had kept their place for teaching other people in their 30-year career and themselves had a salary of lakhs. When the Rajasthan High Court took cognizance of the matter, it issued guidelines for the Education Minister and the officials of the Education Department and said – “Photos of teachers should be put up in schools so that the children and their families can understand who the real teachers are. Apart from this, raids should be conducted in suspicious schools every month without giving any date so that the truth can come out.” The HC suggested that a website should be made for the public, on which complaints can be written and sent to the Education Department. Let us tell you that the Education Department is going to implement such guidelines from next week.

Number of teachers in Rajasthan

There are more than 65000 government schools in Rajasthan, where more than 60 lakh children are studying. There are more than 3 lakh teachers. Apart from this, there are also those working on contract. Government teachers are divided into three categories. These include first grade, second grade and third grade. Among these, there is the lowest category, which includes primary teachers.

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