Terror of cyber thugs in Jaipur, 40 lakhs defrauded from a woman, know the whole matter

Jaipur : A big case has come to light from the capital Jaipur where cyber thugs have cheated a woman of more than 40 lakh rupees through Instagram. This entire cheating process continued for about 2 months. In which the woman got trapped in the trap of the thugs and invested at different times on the instructions of the thugs.

sent link on instagram

The entire case of fraud has been registered at the Airport Police Station. The victim Nidhi Jain has said in the police report that she has been cheated of about Rs 40 lakh. According to the report filed, the cyber thugs first befriended the woman on Instagram and then sent a link in which information about investment was given and she was lured with huge profits.

Woman trapped in investment trap

Police said that the victim has an Instagram account and she met a woman on this Instagram account. The woman lured her with the promise of earning a lot of money by investing in big companies on Instagram. After which the victim downloaded the link sent by the woman and first invested 50 thousand rupees, after which she was given 55 thousand rupees in exchange of 50 thousand rupees.

entangled in a trap by luring

Due to this greed, she invested 2 lakhs for the second time and was given 2 lakh 24 thousand in return. In this way, about 40 lakh rupees were invested in two months. After this, when the woman asked for her money back, the fraudsters demanded 10 lakh rupees. After that, when the woman investigated the company, she got to know about the fraud.

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