Indore, 30 November (IANS). Dhirendra Krishna Shastri, the head of Bageshwar Dham, who reached Indore after completing the Hindu Sanatan Ekta Yatra, said on Saturday that after AI, the country now needs one crore staunch Hindus along with HI (Hindu Intellectuals).
Dhirendra Krishna Shastri, who came to participate in the program “Hindu in every vein” in Indore, the commercial city of Madhya Pradesh, while discussing with the reporters, said, “Out of the 100 crore Hindus, we need one crore staunch Hindus who will protect our culture and religion. Can do.”
Referring to the Hindu Sanatan Ekta Yatra, Dhirendra Krishna Shastri said that the journey was very good. A revolution is taking place in the country free from discrimination and untouchability. Hindus are uniting in the country. Unity of Power – There is strength in unity. Hindus are uniting and will remain united in every situation.
He said that after AI, the country needs HI, Hindu Intellectual. To unite the Hindus, we will go to every house, village to village and awaken them.
Regarding the program organized in Indore and the fatigue of the previous days’ travel, he said that he has come despite the tiredness of the body. In any case, Hindus will definitely be united. We need one crore Hindu fanatics out of 100 crore who can preserve their Hindu culture and heritage and re-establish Hindutva. This is our idea and this journey will not stop until Hindus completely awaken.
Dhirendra Krishna Shastri had recently taken out about 160 km long “Hindu Sanatan Ekta Yatra” from Bageshwar Dham to Orchha, in which thousands of people had participated. During this journey he suffered blisters on his feet several times. After the conclusion of the journey, he reached Indore on Saturday.