The only Tajia of the country, wherever it is made, it remains cool, know the tradition

Bikaner : The tradition of making Tazia on Muharram is from decades. Every year, Tazia artists make artistic Tazias with faith and devotion. The visit of Tazias continues throughout the night of the ninth day of Muharram and the whole day of the tenth day. Generally, Tazias are made from cardboard, paper, wood etc. Beautiful paintings are also engraved on them. But the Tazia made in Deedu Sipahiyan Mohalla of Bikaner is not only unique and historical, but it is also cooled at the same place where it is made. Here, Tazia is made from raw brick, clay, sweet lime, POP at the Chowki. On the evening of the tenth day of Muharram, this Tazia is also traditionally cooled with water.

12 feet high, 4 feet wide

According to Haji Liaquat Ali, who has been associated with the work of making taziyas from clay and POP for many years, the height of the taziyas prepared in Mohalla Didu Sipahiyan is 12 feet. Its width is 4 feet. This taziya is made from raw bricks, clay, sweet lime and POP. This taziya is prepared in six to seven days. This taziya is cooled at the same place where it is made.

Fine painting in Usta style

According to Usta artist Idrish Usta, who has been painting on the Tajias prepared in Didu Sipahiyan locality for about twenty-five years, fine painting is done on the Tajias in the Usta style. Painting is done in Ranga Beji. Artistic painting of flowers and leaves is done in Sonaliya, red and green colours. Painting is done on the Tajias like wall paintings.

Dozens of artists, many days of hard work

The unmatched craftsmanship of the artists can be seen in the clay Tajias made in Didu Sipahiyan Mohalla. According to Liaquat Ali, 5 artisans, 15 labourers, 10 master painters prepare this Tajia in six to seven days. The residents of the locality also cooperate in this. During Muharram, an arena is also organized near the Tajia Chowki.

After having darshan, people make wishes and offer prasad

Hindu families have special faith and devotion towards the Tajia prepared in Didu Sipahiyan Mohalla. Liaquat Ali says that every year on the occasion of Muharram, members of Hindu families bow their heads after seeing the Tajia, make wishes and offer prasad. They also take children out from under the Tajias with a wish for their good health.

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