The ten most popular words of Chinese media in the year 2024 released

Beijing, December 9 (IANS). The Chinese National Language Resources Monitoring and Study Center recently released the ten most popular words in Chinese media in the year 2024. These ten words are new types of productive power, artificial intelligence, moral education, Paris Olympics, global south, travel to China, trade-in, low-altitude economy, future businesses and new professions.

Along with releasing the ten most popular words, the National Center for Language Resources Monitoring and Study also gave an explanation of those words.

For example, the new type of productive force is a concrete reflection of the progressive productive force in the new era and is an inevitable result of China’s economic and social quality-development. Compared with traditional productive power, the new type of productive power pays more attention to technologies, innovation and efficiency, which reflects the trend of being smarter, greener and higher-end in economic development.

According to the introduction, the ten most popular words in Chinese media were selected using language information techniques based on the database of the National Center for Language Resources Monitoring and Study. The activity of releasing the ten most common words is a part of the program titled ‘The Essence of Chinese Language for the Year 2024’ jointly organized by the National Center for Language Resources Monitoring and Study, Commercial Press and Xinhua Network.

Later, annual ten most popular cyber words, annual ten new words and annual word of the year will also be released.

(Credits- China Media Group, Beijing)



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