There is not a single smart meter in the city, yet 200 crores of water and outstanding bills

Jaipur : The engineers handling the drinking water arrangements of Jaipur city have neither become smart themselves nor been able to install smart meters. In such a situation, the system of 100% reading of water consumption could not be made. In this situation, 100% revenue of water consumption and outstanding bills are not being recovered. According to the information received from the department, revenue of Rs 200 crore is in the NPA account in Jaipur city. The engineers themselves are admitting that due to the lack of a high-tech system of taking readings and the practice of issuing average bills, the NPA is increasing day by day. Although the department makes efforts to recover the outstanding bills every year, but it is just a formality. Apart from this, faulty meters are also causing revenue loss to the department.

Jaipur There are 5 lakh registered consumers of Jaldaya Vibhaag in the city. The department has only 50 meter readers to take readings of water consumption of these consumers. This is the reason that till date, the calculation of how much water is actually consumed by which consumer is based only on average. According to senior engineers, if there are no meter readers in the department, then smart meters are the only option to get 100% revenue of water consumption. It is true that there are not enough meter readers as compared to the number of meters in the department and 100% calculation of water consumption is not possible. In such a situation, average bills are issued and the department is losing huge revenue. This time a new system is going to be made. The new billing firm will also have to do meter readings so that the complete calculation of water consumption is done and the revenue of the department increases. The amount of outstanding bills is also high, for which a campaign will be run to collect it.

No matter how much you consume, average bills are being issued

More than 800 meter readers are needed to take readings of five lakh meters. Currently, there is no system to take readings of 50 percent connections in the city and average bills are being issued. Due to this, the department is suffering a huge loss of revenue. At the same time, due to lack of seriousness regarding recovery of outstanding bills, the mountain of revenue loss is increasing.

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