This 14 year old girl in Rajasthan took this horrifying step, everyone is shocked, know the matter

Pali : A very shocking news has come out from Pali district of Rajasthan. Here a 14 year old girl committed suicide because she could not get chips worth 5 rupees. The reason behind this is even more strange. Let us tell you that the 8 year old younger brother Samar buys chips. The elder sister asked for two chips from him. But the brother refused to give them. There was a dispute between the two. Even after that the brother did not give the chips, so the 14 year old sister committed suicide. At the time of the incident no one was present at home except the children. The reason for this is that their parents had gone to work, who worked in a factory located next to the house.

Police told that the parents used to make puffed rice in the factory. Kallu, who hails from Uttar Pradesh, also works in the factory. His two children Shivi and Samar also live nearby. Police told that today Samar’s mother had gone to work in the factory. His father was also working in a factory nearby. Samar had brought chips worth ₹5, during this time Shivi asked for a packet of chips from his younger brother. He refused, but he then asked for two more chips, but the brother refused to give that too.

The younger brother told the entire incident to the police

After the brother gave the chips to the sister, she went straight to her room and hanged herself with her own dupatta and took her own life. When the family came to know about this in the afternoon, the police was informed. The younger brother told the police about the whole incident. The police said that both the brother and sister did not go to study and stayed at home.

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