This city of Rajasthan has a unique tradition of building water sources in the name of women, know here

Jaisalmer : Jaisalmer Even hundreds of years ago, women were given so much respect that there was a tradition of building water sources in their name. This tradition not only shows respect towards women but also makes clear the importance of water conservation. Water sources are proving to be a lifeline for the villages. The special thing is that most of the ponds were built due to taunts or reproaches among the women or the headmen of those villages got them built at personal expense for their prestige. Be it Jaseri Talai or Bagtawari Talai or Lavan’s Janaki Talaiā€¦ there are many such water sources.

Pond is an excellent example of water conservation technique

Historian Rishidatta Paliwal tells that when the people of Paliwal community lived in 84 villages around Jaisalmer during the reign of Jaisalmer princely state, about 700 to 1200 ponds were built in and around these villages. The history of Bagtawari pond in Jajia village is also old, and this pond is also an excellent example of water conservation techniques.

Hundreds of years old Janaki Nadi in Lavan village

Janaki Nadi in Lavan village of Paliwal community is hundreds of years old. It was constructed at the time of settlement of Lavan village. It is said that a woman named Javanki saw water filled in a pit. With the help of villagers, she dug a big pond and got a stone inscription installed. Paliwal community gave a grand look to the said pond and gave it the shape of a Nadi. It was also named Janaki.

Jasraj made Jaseri Talai

According to historian Rishidatta Paliwal, about 22 km from Jaisalmer, on the right side of the main road going to Khabha beyond Kuldhara, there is a huge pond, which looks like a sea when seen from a distance. The pond also has an amazing story. According to legend, the name of the pond is Jaseri, which was called Jaseri Talai after the name of Jasraj Paliwal. It is said that Jasraj’s daughter was married in Jajia village. Her parental home was in Dedha village, about two-three km from Jajia. After an incident of rebuke, Jasraj Paliwal got a huge pond constructed in Jajia, so that the people of his daughter’s in-laws’ house could fill water.

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