This new app will save the lives of children in Rajasthan due to increasing cases of suicide, download it

Kota : Kota Police has developed a special app for the help and safety of coaching students. This app has been named K-SOS i.e. Kota Save Our Soul. Through this, the police will solve every problem of the students. The police claim that this app will prove effective in making ‘Successful Kota’. The app will have a panic button, on pressing which, Kota Police will immediately reach for the help of the student and after a continuous increase in the complaints related to children like suicide of coaching students and cyber crime in Kota, the police thought of making an app to curb these.

This is how it works

Deputy Superintendent of Police Garima Jindal says that it has often been seen that due to physical and mental pressure, the student is unable to share his/her thoughts with the counselor, coaching, hostel, parents, sister or friend and takes the wrong step. Many times in such cases, the student does not get help. In such times, the police has come forward to help the coaching students. The police thought of developing an app through which help can reach the coaching students easily. Under the direction of Kota IG Range Ravi Dutt Gaur and City SP Dr. Amrita Duhan, the police has developed the KSOS app. No student’s data will be leaked through this app. This mobile app will be launched soon.

This is how the app will work

This app will be downloaded in the mobile phones of students through coaching, hostels and other means.
The app will have an emergency panic button. Using the panic button in any unexpected or unsafe situation will immediately transmit information to the police control room and the given numbers.
The location of that place will also reach the police.
Kota police will immediately go and take care of the student and solve whatever problem he may have

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