This temple of Maa is famous by the name of ‘Water Goddess’, even the bomb could not destroy it.

Rajasthan Darshan Desk, Mother’s worship has special significance in Shardiya Navratri. During these 9 days of Navratri, 9 forms of Mother Goddess are worshipped. Special rituals and worship are performed in every temple of Maa Jagadamba present in the country and abroad. In such a situation, the team from Rajasthan has reached Gadra Road village located on the India-Pakistan border, where there is a temple of Maa Bhavani, which is also called ‘Pani wali Mata’. Devotees from all over the country and abroad come to this temple during the 9 days of Navratri and offer prayers to the Mother Goddess. Let us know about this wonderful temple of Maa Jagadamba…

Gadra town was settled at the time of partition
This temple is built in Gadra Road town, which is about 100 kilometers away from Barmer district headquarters, and is located just one and a half kilometers before the India-Pakistan border. This town was established in the year 1947 at the time of India-Pakistan partition. At that time, trains used to run from Jodhpur to Hyderabad. Gadra town was 3 kilometers away from the city rail line. In such a situation, Gadra Road railway station was built, where the train had a halt. During the partition, Gadra city came to Pakistan. Major population here belonged to Maheshwari community. Maheshwari society is a society related to business. Gadra City, Leelama Jaisindhar Sundara and surrounding areas used to be markets for ghee and grains. Trade used to take place from here till Pakistan end, Amarkot, Chhachro and Hyderabad via rail route. But after partition, the entire village migrated to India and settled a new village near the railway station on the Indian border and named it Gadra Road.

fresh water reservoir at the temple site
However, their troubles were not less here. Far away deserts and old sources of water and resources went to Pakistan. In such a situation, life on this side of the border was becoming difficult without drinking water. For some time we survived by taking water from the railways, but sufficient water was not available from the railways. In such a situation, the villagers organized a puja for water. During this time, Mahatma came while walking on a road and told the villagers to start digging a well at the place where he told me. Sweet water will definitely come out here. But that water will have to be offered to the Mother Goddess first. After this, when a well was dug at that place, a vast store of sweet drinking water was found. After this, the villagers developed special faith in this temple of Maa Jagdamba. The villagers installed an idol at this place and built a small temple of Maa Jagadamba, where special worship of Maa is done during Navratri which comes twice a year.

Not a single bomb dropped from Pakistan exploded
Regarding the miracle of this temple, the villagers say that when the people reached here after migrating from Pakistan, village Sarpanch Chogalal Bhootada along with the villagers, worshiped Maa Jagdamba at this place and dug a well, where one could get immense sweet drinking water. Went. After this, the supply of drinking water to the army deployed on the India-Pakistan border started coming from here and this well was the only water source to quench the thirst of the people in the surrounding area of ​​about 30-40 kilometers. When the war between India and Pakistan started, Pakistan made many attempts to destroy this place, but due to the miracle of Mother, not a single bomb exploded. After this, faith in this temple increased among the villagers.

Mother’s idol was put in the well

Today the people from this village are doing business in the states of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka and even abroad. But the faith towards the mother is so deep that one definitely visits this temple once a year. However, around the year 1982, a mentally disturbed person threw the idol of Mata Ji into a nearby water well. In such a situation, the villagers believed that the well in which the idol of Mata was inserted should be closed, because the well in which Mata resides would not be opened now. After this, the water supply department dug many wells around it, which supplied water and with the help of the villagers, a grand Mata Ji temple was built here in the year 1999, where even today Maa Jagat Janani is worshiped and the villagers have used the old rituals. The temple has also been kept in its original condition, wherever worship is performed today.

Dashrath’s uncle had got the construction done

Dashrath Kumar Bhootada, nephew of Chhogalal Bhootada, the founder of this temple and village, tells that our uncle had got this well and temple constructed after settling in Gadra Road village. People from many nearby villages including Munabao, Jaisindhar, Mapuri, Tamlor, Sajjan Ka Paar, Lakdiali used to carry water from the well on camels and bullock carts. Even today, the water supply department has built many wells at this place, which supply water to dozens of nearby villages. Apart from these, BSF and Railways have also built wells here, which fulfill their water needs.

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