This time rain wreaked havoc in Rajasthan, caused devastation, ruined Kharif crops

Dholpur : the rain that fell from the sky has become a disaster for the farmer. Along with ponds, pools, reservoirs, the fields and barns have become full of water. This time the rain has flooded the rural area. The rain is becoming a disaster for the Kharif crop. The standing crop in the fields is on the verge of being destroyed. The rain has also created a crisis of fodder for the farmers to raise cattle. Farmers said that the rain has dashed the dreams of the farmers. Cash crops of Kharif market, pulses, oilseeds, sorghum, guar maize along with chilli, spinach, coriander, bottle gourd, ridge gourd etc. vegetables are also getting destroyed. The rain that fell recently has created panic in the area. Crops are getting destroyed due to water filling up to 3 feet in the fields.

2 thousand acres of land submerged in water

The fields of two dozen villages including Boreli, Kunkata, Nagla Raijit, Khemri, Kanha ka Nagla, Sahroli, Fute ka Nagla, Rajora Khurd, Semra, Kaithri, Raja ka Nagla, Thakur Das ka Nagla of Dholpur, Baseri and Sapau subdivision area have turned into ponds due to waterlogging. About 2 thousand acres of agricultural land is submerged in water. The green fodder standing in the fields is now on the verge of rotting. Farmers say that they had made preparations to grow the crop twice by adding expensive fertilizers and seeds, but the natural calamity has dashed the hopes of the farmers.

3 feet of water has filled in the fields for the last 20 days
Since the fields have been filled with about 3 feet of water for the last 20 days, there is no possibility of the water drying up at the moment. Farmers said that due to the government and administration not paying attention to any alternative arrangement for draining out the water, farmers are suffering huge losses for the last several years. Farmer Dwarika Tomar said that for the last several years, due to the failure of the Kharif crop and not sowing of Rabi crop as per the area, there is not only a crisis of grains but the problem of fodder for animals has also deepened.

crisis on fodder too

Farmers said that the Kharif crop is getting ruined and fodder is also getting wasted. Apart from crops, the only other source of livelihood for farmers is cattle rearing. But due to the destruction of fodder, cattle rearing is also facing a crisis. If the problem is not resolved in time, people will be forced to leave their villages and migrate to cities to earn a living.

Rabi crop will also be affected

Farmer Hari Singh said that the Kharif crop has been almost ruined. The upcoming Rabi crop may also be in danger. He said that the problem has become complicated due to 3 feet of water in the fields. There is so much water in the fields that there is no possibility of the water drying up till the Rabi crop is sown.

Demand for compensation for farmers
Farmers are demanding proper compensation from the administration and the government for the crop loss. Farmers said that they had sown the Kharif crop by using expensive fertilizers, seeds and pesticides. The crop had grown and was ready in the fields. But the rainy season started at the right time. The rain caused such havoc that the crop was badly ruined. Farmers said that the administration and the state government should make arrangements for proper compensation.

The report of crop damage will be sent to the state government

Tehsildar Rahul Kumar Dhakad said that the rain in the district has caused damage to the Kharif crop. The state government has given instructions to get the Girdawari of the crop damage done. He said that the Revenue Department team is surveying the crop by meeting the farmers in the area. The report of crop damage will be submitted to the state government soon. As per the guidelines of the state government, compensation will be given to the farmers.

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