Pratapgarh : Police have arrested two accused including a girl in the case of acid attack on NCB officer on NH 56 of Pratapgarh Kotwali police station area. On the other hand, the injured officer is undergoing treatment in the hospital. Superintendent of Police Vineet Kumar Bansal said that Harshvardhan Singh, son of Mahendra Singh Sisodia, resident of Santanu Vihar police station, YD Nagar, Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh, is posted as Sub Inspector in NCB. City resident Khushi and friend Priyanshu Rathore together planned to kill Harshvardhan Singh by doing an acid attack. Under this, on 28th November, Khushi called Harsh Vardhan ahead of Bagwas on NH 56. On this he reached with the car. Khushi and Priyanshu left the city on a motorcycle with acid and reached Chittorgarh Road ahead of Bagwas. Where Priyanshu left Khushi and told her to sit in the back of his car with Harshvardhan. Engage him in conversation and attack him with acid. He will follow with the bike. As per the plan, Harshvardhan was called to Chittorgarh Road. Khushi sat in the car and asked to move ahead. While Khushi was sitting on the back seat. Khushi was giving updates while messaging her partner Priyanshu. Harshvardhan Singh got wind of this.
On this he started turning the car back towards Pratapgarh. Meanwhile, Khushi took out a bottle of acid from her bag and poured acid on Harshvardhan. Attacked Harshvardhan’s chest with a stick he had brought with him. When the car applied brakes, Priyanshu, who was following, collided with the car along with the motorcycle. The rear glass of the car was broken due to the collision. Priyanshu got head injury. It is being told that the girlfriend had attacked her ex-boyfriend to show her true love to her fellow lover. After this, police reached the spot on information. Where injured Harshvardhan was admitted to the hospital. The police brought both of them to the police station. Police station in-charge Deepak Banjara said that in view of the matter, a mobile forensic unit was called from Banswara. The team collected evidence from Hashvardhan’s car. An acid bottle and a stick with nails attached to it were seized from the vehicle. Khushi and Priyanshu were arrested in the same case.