Udaipur : Udaipur broom On Monday, at the subdivision headquarters, subdivision officer Vijayesh Kumar Pandia was seen giving instructions to the shopkeepers keeping goods on the road to remove the encroachment. During this, SDM, Development Officer Sangeeta Vyas, Revenue Inspector Giriraj Singh Jhala, Patwari Prakashchandra, ASI Jagdish Chandra May Japta from Police Station Jhadol visited various places including Court Square, Sati Square, Hedgewar Market, Old Bus Stand, Roadways Bus Stand, in front of Gram Panchayat. Encroachments were removed from the markets. There was panic among the shopkeepers after the team took action to remove encroachment. During the action, the SDM instructed the shopkeepers to remove the encroachment and said that if the encroachment is done again, then strict action will be taken against the shopkeepers by confiscating the goods kept on the road. It is worth noting that about 15 days ago, during the action to remove encroachment, the SDM had instructed the local traders not to keep their goods on the road. Even after that, shopkeepers encroached by placing goods on the road outside the shop.