Udaipur : Udaipur The effect of shivering cold continued on Wednesday also. It was sunny in the afternoon, but people were shivering due to the cold wave which was blowing at a speed of 20-22 km per hour. The night temperature on Wednesday fell by 1.7 degrees to 4.1 degrees. This is 4.7 degrees less than the average of 8.8 degrees. The day temperature increased by 0.9 degrees and was recorded at 22.2 degrees. This was also 3.8 degrees less than the average of 26 degrees.
Udaipur was the sixth coldest city in the state. In Dabok, adjacent to the city, the day temperature increased by 1.3 degrees to 22.2 degrees and the night temperature fell by 4 degrees to 5.6 degrees. According to the Meteorological Department, northern winds are still blowing. It is snowing in the northern part of the country. The cold winds coming from there are reaching the plains at high speed. Due to this the chill has increased. There is a possibility of increase in temperature once again from December 14, which may provide some relief from the harsh cold.