Karauli : Karauli District Police has launched a campaign with the aim of creating awareness about the increasing smack addiction and cyber fraud in Karauli. Under the campaign, SP Brijesh Jyoti Upadhyay organized awareness camps in Rajour and Karsai villages located on Kailadevi Road. In the awareness camp, school students were administered an oath not to consume smack and to inspire others not to consume smack. During this, villagers and students were given information about ways to avoid cyber fraud. Also gave a message to make the general public aware. During this, ASP Gumnaram, Kaila Devi DSP Meena Meena, school principal and villagers were present.
During this, SP Brijesh Jyoti Upadhyay said that smack is such a drug that the lives of many people have become hell due to its influence. The family and social lives of people addicted to smack are also being destroyed.
He said that a continuous campaign is being run by the district police to curb the smack business. Under the campaign, a large number of smack suppliers and sellers have been arrested.
He has also appealed to the general public to socially boycott the people doing smack business and inform the police. During this, SP said that to avoid cyber fraud, do not click on any unknown link.
He said that one should avoid advertisements promising to earn money without hard work. During this time he appealed not to share bank account and personal information with anyone.
ASP Gumna Ram said that in case of becoming a victim of any cyber fraud, lodge a complaint on the toll free number and official website.