UP student missing from this district of Rajasthan found in Bengaluru, know the whole case

Kota : Student suicide and disappearance of students is a serious issue for both the government and the parents. That is why, in order to reduce the stress of coaching students in Kota, the district administration is now preparing to counsel the parents along with following the guidelines of the central government. This counseling is also necessary because the reason for the student of Shahjahanpur in Uttar Pradesh, who recently went missing on July 2, was lack of interest in studies. However, Kota Police has recovered student Bharat from Bengaluru. But lack of interest in studies and disappearance is constantly causing concern for the parents.

Special team detained a student from Bangalore
Superintendent of Police Dr. Amrita Duhan said that coaching student Bharat, living in a PG in Kunhadi area, went somewhere without informing anyone at 7 am. On registering the report, special teams were formed under the leadership of Additional SP Dilip Saini to immediately find the student. The team got significant success in finding the student and student Bharat was detained from Bangalore Railway Junction. SP Amrita Duhan said that on July 2, the coaching student’s father Dharampal Singh, a resident of UP, had lodged a report at Kunhadi police station.

Kota police searched CCTV cameras across the city
After registering a missing report, efforts were started to search for coaching student Bharat. SHO Arvind Bhardwaj said that the student’s rented room was searched. When enquiries were made in the vicinity, it was told that he was not interested in studies. On which special teams were immediately formed and a search was conducted in Kota city throughout the night. But the student was not found. During the same time, information was received that the student was seen at Kota Junction, on which CCTV cameras installed around the student’s residence, locality and roads were checked, then the student’s route was found to be going to Kota Junction.

Police contact with friends and family
The details of the student’s mobile were obtained and his old friends and relatives were questioned. Information about the student was also obtained from Allen Coaching. CCTV cameras of Kota Junction were checked. On receiving the footage of the student, Kota Railway, GRP and RPF were informed about the student’s appearance. Police teams were dispatched to search for the student. On receiving the information, a team was sent to Bangalore and the student was recovered safely.

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