Vegetable prices skyrocket in Rajasthan, tomatoes cost Rs 120 per kg

Jaipur : Rain has increased the kitchen expenses of the houses from 2 thousand to 4 thousand. Tomato has reached from 100 rupees to 120 rupees per kg. Vegetables like arbi, ladyfinger and tinda are also available at the rate of 80 to 100 rupees per kg. The prices of local vegetables are also sky high. Kakadiya grown in Marwar area of ​​​​Rajasthan is being sold at 40 to 50 rupees per kg. The price of cluster beans has reached 150 to 225 rupees per kg. In comparison to fruits, the prices of vegetables are increasing daily.

Prices increased due to less supply of vegetables

Most of the vegetables come from outside. Prices increase as soon as the supply decreases. Among the vegetables coming from outside, cauliflower, cabbage, parwal, capsicum, bottle gourd, brinjal and ridge gourd come from Gujarat, tomatoes and onions from Nasik, cucumber from Ratlam and local chillies, arbi and gourd come from Punjab and UP. Only half of the required quantity i.e. 50% of the goods are reaching from all these places.

The price of fruits is half as compared to vegetables

The increased prices of vegetables have reduced the value of fruits. Usually fruits are expensive and vegetables are cheap. But now the opposite is happening. These days vegetables are being sold at a higher rate than fruits. Due to bumper arrival of mangoes, mangoes are available at the rate of Rs 50 per kg.

Papaya is being sold at 40 to 50 rupees per kg

Papaya is available at Rs 40 to Rs 50 and bananas at Rs 35 to Rs 40 per kg. Despite these prices, the customer negotiates and gets the price reduced. The seller sells fruits at a lower price. But this is not the case with vegetables. This is the reason why these days the sale of fruits is more than that of vegetables.

Vegetable prices increased due to rain

Manoj Kumar Maru, a trader at Kotgate Vegetable Market in Bikaner, says that these days it is raining in Punjab, UP, Gujarat and Nashik etc. Due to this, the supply of vegetables is decreasing. There has been a 50% decrease in the supply of vegetables, apart from this, due to Sawas in Chaturmas, the demand for vegetables has increased a lot. Due to this, the prices of vegetables have increased.

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