Vegetable prices skyrocket, kitchen budget shaken, tomatoes are 80 rupees per kilo

Sri Ganganagar : People in most families who got bored of eating gourd, tinda and pumpkin vegetables during summer were hoping that the rains would come and when the vegetables would become cheaper, they would get to eat fresh vegetables, but on the contrary, the prices of vegetables have risen a lot in a month and the vegetables are being available at two to three times higher prices. These vegetables include the same vegetables which are generally eaten in every household, which the people of the area were eating at three to four times lower prices till a month ago. In such a situation, due to the unexpected rise in the prices of vegetables, the budget spent on the vegetable item is likely to increase by two to three times. Due to this, the kitchen budget of housewives has also gone haywire.

Apart from the permanent and street vendors of the streets and mohallas, vegetables are sold at about half a dozen big points in the city. Potato, onion, tinda, pumpkin, cabbage, ridge gourd, green chilli, jackfruit, which are usually grown in every household, are now available at these vegetable vendors at double the price. Due to this, these vegetables are currently out of reach of the people. Similarly, vegetables like tomato, ladyfinger, spinach, capsicum, brinjal, gourd and coriander-chillies are eaten in almost every household, but the prices of these vegetables have also become eye-catching. With the rising prices of these vegetables, these vegetables are available at three to four times higher rates.

so the prices increased

Seller Gaurishankar Batra said that vegetable saplings are planted in summer. This time due to extreme heat and heat wave, some crops of ladyfinger, brinjal, chilli, spinach, tomato, coriander etc. got scorched and some got spoiled due to rain water filling the fields. Due to this, local production almost came to an end. In such a situation, due to dependence on other districts and states and the addition of transportation charges and commission from there, the prices of vegetables increased by three to four times.

Tomatoes are more expensive than many fruits

The price of tomato has risen four times and is being sold at Rs 80 per kg. Currently, mango, which is cheaper than tomato, is being sold at Rs 40, papaya at Rs 40, seasonal fruit at Rs 50, pear at Rs 50, banana at Rs 30 and pineapple at Rs 70 per kg in retail. As such, tomato is currently being sold at a higher price than many fruits. Most of the vegetables come from outside. Vegetable seller Vishnu told that due to the stoppage of supply of local vegetables in the city, vegetables are coming from Punjab at a high rate. Because of the rainy season, only selected vegetables are arriving and the supply is not happening as per the demand and hence the prices are continuously rising.

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