Watch the viral documentary and experience the amazing sighting of leopard along with unique views of the forest

Jaipur : You all know about the colonies located in the urban area. There are wide clean roads, there are trees on both sides of the road. Luxury cars are seen outside most of the houses and shops are also seen at the gate of some houses. Some colonies are such where there are tall buildings and a lot of vehicles but you will be surprised to know about a colony in the capital Jaipur. No human being lives in this colony located in the middle of Jaipur city. A population of lakhs lives in hundreds of colonies located around the colony. Come, let us know about this amazing colony today.

It is amazing that 40 leopards live in 20 square kilometers

There is a colony situated in the middle of the area which is inhabited by lakhs of people. Its name is Jhalana Leopard Safari. The forest spread over about 20 square kilometers is called a colony because just like in every colony, different people have different houses. Similarly, in Jhalana Leopard Safari, different places have been fixed for different leopards. Currently, there are 40 leopards here. For all these leopards, different places have been fixed in the forest of Jhalana. No leopard goes to another area. From another area to its own area.

The names of Jhalana’s leopards are also special

The names of the leopards living in this unconcrete colony located in the forest of Jhalana are also special. There is a big reason behind the name of every leopard. For example, the name of a leopard is Aarti. That female leopard was named Aarti because there is a temple in her area where Aarti is performed daily. This female leopard may or may not be seen roaming in her area, but in the evening when Aarti is performed, she is seen around the temple. That is why she is named Aarti.

​There is no such colony even in the forests of Europe and Africa – Surendra Singh

Jaipur resident wildlife expert Surendra Singh Chauhan says that he has visited forests in many countries of the world but he has never seen a forest like Jhalana Leopard Safari. Chauhan has also written a book on wildlife named Jhalana – The Land of Leopard. Surendra Singh Chauhan said that he has visited forests of Africa, Europe, New Zealand and Australia many times. The kind of colony and dense forest that is in Jhalana, Jaipur, is not found anywhere else. Such a large population of leopards in the middle of the city is no less than a boon for Jaipur. The presence of 40 leopards in an area of ​​just 20 square kilometers and their living in their own areas is amazing.

​Rana with a fierce face, Bigfoot with large claws

The name of a male leopard of Jhalana is Rana. Its face is imposing and it is more aggressive than other leopards. It is the favorite leopard of wildlife lovers and photographers. It has been named Rana because of its strong face. Similarly, the paw of a leopard is much bigger than that of other leopards. Wildlife lovers and forest workers can understand which leopard’s footprints it is just by looking at the footprints. Due to its large paws, this leopard has been named Bigfoot.

Mrs Khan, Flora fish and Nathwali leopard were named like this

There is a hilly area in the Jhalana forest where mining used to happen earlier. Now mining is banned here. The female leopard who rules this area has been named Mrs. Khan. The name of the eldest tiger among the tigers of Ranthambore was Machli who had given birth to many tigers there. Similarly, there is a female leopard in the Jhalana forests who is the eldest in age and has given birth to four generations here. For this reason, this female leopard was named Flora Machli. A leopard has a mark like a nose ring on its nose. It appears as if it is wearing a woman’s ornament Nath. Hence, that leopard was named Nathwali.

The name of a pair of leopards is Romeo Juliet, one leopard became brave like this

In the forests of Jhalana, a pair of male and female leopards always live together. Hence, the leopards of this pair have been named Romeo Juliet. Usually, they live together. This pair has become a special center of attraction for wildlife lovers. A leopard is known for its bravery. It is not at all afraid of the vehicles roaming around for tourism in Jhalana, rather, many times, it comes and sits in front of them in the middle of the road. It easily hunts big animals. Due to this bravery, this leopard has been named Bahadur. There is definitely some special reason hidden behind the names of all the leopards living here. (Report – Ramswaroop Lamrod, Jaipur)

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