Weather Update: Rainfall has stopped in Rajasthan, know the latest update of upcoming weather

Rajasthan : the rainy season has stopped in the state for the time being. With the rain stopping, the effect of intense heat is being seen in the entire state including the capital Jaipur. The situation is such that the stinging heat is being felt during the day. This is creating a stinging sensation like May-June. In terms of rain, the weather has now become completely clear. If the Meteorological Department is to be believed, the monsoon is going to take a slight U-turn once again in the coming days. Although the monsoon will not return to the entire Rajasthan, but it is possible to reach some districts of South Rajasthan. Heat has knocked in Rajasthan. The situation is such that it is the season of severe summer. Everyone is getting troubled by this humid heat and is drenched in sweat. There is no hope of rain as the sky is clear.

the weather was like this

In the last 24 hours, as the monsoon returned to the western regions, the mercury also rose. Highest maximum temperature in the state

Bikaner – 39.8 °C

In eastern Rajasthan

Dholpur – 38.6 and
Sirohi – 36.4 degrees Celsius was recorded.
It will rain till September 28
Weather Centre Director Radheshyam Sharma said that the last monsoon rain will occur from 26 to 28 September. Monsoon will leave the entire state by the first week of October. In such a situation, rain will start again from tomorrow for 3-4 days.

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