What is the real reason behind Vasundhara Raje’s statements in Rajasthan? Know the political meaning

Jaipur : Politics has intensified within the BJP camp in Rajasthan. A statement by former Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje has created such a stir that it is not taking the name of calming down. Vasundhara Raje gave a statement on Tuesday in which she said that if someone gets a brass clove, then he starts considering himself a bullion trader. Such statements by Raje are not new. Such statements started when she was not made the Chief Minister after the assembly elections in Rajasthan. All such statements made by Vasundhara Raje till now have some political meaning. Tuesday, December 12, 2023 in Rajasthan was that day when the politics of Rajasthan turned around with a slip of paper. This was the day when BJP returned to power in Rajasthan and Bhajanlal Sharma was made the Chief Minister of Rajasthan. Union Minister Rajnath Singh was sent from Delhi to Jaipur as an observer who handed over the slip with the name of Bhajanlal Sharma to Vasundhara Raje, but before this, a meeting had already taken place between Vasundhara Raje and Rajnath Singh in a hotel.

Distance maintained from attending party programs

Still, Vasundhara Raje got shocked when she read the name of Bhajanlal Sharma written on the slip. Because Bhajanlal Sharma’s name was written as Chief Minister on the slip. After this whole incident, the displeasure of former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje was seen on many occasions. After this, Vasundhara Raje did not go to all the party programs and started keeping distance, but wherever she went, her displeasure was seen in her statements from the stage itself.

Differences were also seen in the elections

The results of Vasundhara Raje’s distance from the party and her resentment were also seen in the Lok Sabha elections in Rajasthan. Raje remained confined to campaigning for her son Dushyant Singh in Jhalawar seat and did not go for campaigning in any other Lok Sabha and in the Lok Sabha election results in Rajasthan, BJP lost 11 out of 25 seats.

Three big statements of Vasundhara Raje
1- Vasundhara Raje said in the BJP’s new state president program on August 3, 2024 that the other name of politics is ups and downs, every person has to go through this phase. Every person needs to focus on 3 things. Position, stature and pride. Position and pride are not permanent but stature is permanent which is made by your work and people remember you only by your work. If you become proud of your position, then your stature automatically decreases.

2- On August 16, 2024, Raje said in a program of Jain community in Udaipur that breaking someone’s heart is also violence. Now instead of the slogan of live and let live, live and don’t let live, you reap what you sow. The former CM said that the principle of Jainism is live and let live, but many people have reversed it. Live and don’t let live. That is, live yourself, but don’t let others live. Those who do this may be happy for a short time, but they cannot remain happy forever because you reap what you sow.

3- On September 3, 2024, Vasundhara Raje said that many people consider themselves goldsmiths as soon as they get brass cloves, of course keep the desire to touch the sky, but always keep your feet on the ground. Raje said this while looking towards the stage and Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma was also sitting on the stage. Now the question is that what are all these continuous statements of Vasundhara Raje pointing towards. Is Raje’s displeasure with the BJP high command still continuing or is Raje’s gesture towards Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma now. However, the BJP camp is calling it a part of jokes among the big leaders after a long time, while on the other hand, the Congress has targeted the Rajasthan government and said that Vasundhara Raje has targeted Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma because the way the government is working is well known.

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