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Alwar : We often hear stories of ghosts since childhood, yet we do not believe them easily, but there are some places in every village and city about which it is said that there are ghosts there. Although many people consider this a myth, there are many who believe in these things. Such stories are not prevalent from today but since the times of our forefathers. Do you know that there is a fort in India which is inhabited by ghosts? If you do not believe it, then know about the Bhangarh fort located in the Alwar district of Rajasthan. Bhangarh Fort was built in the Aravalli Hills.

Bhangarh Fort is one of the most haunted places in India

Bhangarh Fort is about 80 kilometers away from Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan. The stories of this place attract tourists. If you look at this fort carefully at first sight, you get a strange feeling. Houses without roofs, no idols of gods and goddesses in the temple, in itself give a scary feeling. Bhangarh Fort is considered a cursed fort and it is said that after the curse of a sage, this place became deserted. Since then ghosts started living in this fort. The fear can be gauged from the fact that the Archaeological Department has banned entry into this fort after evening.

What is the history of Bhangarh

According to reports, Bhangarh Fort was built by Amer’s King Bhagwat Das. He built this fort in the year 1573 for his younger son Madho Singh I. It is said that when this fort was being built, an ascetic lived here who had said during the construction of the fort that the shadow of the fort should not fall on his house. But his words were ignored and the ascetic cursed the house when the shadow fell.

The other popular story is that a sadhu was in love with Princess Ratnavati who lived in this fort. The sadhu started plotting to get the princess and the king came to know about this. Then as a punishment, the sadhu was killed and at the same time he cursed Bhangarh to become a ruin. The result of which was that this fort became desolate. It is said that if you listen to the walls of this fort, you can hear the voices of the spirits.

No entry after 6pm

Bhangarh Fort is opened for the general public at 6 am and then closed at 6 pm. It is said that in the evening, very scary sounds come from this fort. Going inside it at night can be dangerous. Bhangarh is considered to be the center of paranormal activity. However, the experiences of the people who come here are different. Some people come here to roam while some people are attracted by the mystery of ghosts. Even after centuries, Bhangarh is holding many secrets in its heart. Some consider it to be a reality while some consider it to be a story.

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