Jaipur : BJP leader Rajendra Singh Rathore went to Jodhpur on Thursday (11 July). He spoke to journalists at a private hotel. On the question of Vasundhara’s absence in the House during the budget session, he said that she did not come due to some personal reasons. He said that even former CM Ashok Gehlot did not come.
“The budget is going to take Rajasthan on the path of development”
On the budget, Rajendra Rathore said that this time the state government has presented a road map to make Rajasthan’s economy of Rs 17 thousand billion to Rs 29 thousand billion. This budget is going to take Rajasthan on the path of development.
“The government and farmers need Kirori Lal Meena”
On Kirori Lal Meena’s resignation, he said that Kirori Lal Meena has resigned as per the tradition of Raghukul Reet Sada Chali Aayi. Such leaders are not found in today’s time. The government and farmers need them. BJP leaders should talk to them.
Rajendra Rathod said- I lost the election due to my shortcomings
Rajendra Rathod spoke openly about his defeat in the assembly elections. He said, “I lost the election due to my shortcomings. I had gone there leaving my traditional seat.” He accepted his defeat. He said that he will work as a worker in the by-election.
Rajendra Rathod has been an MLA 7 times
Rajendra Rathod has been an MLA 7 times. He faced defeat in the assembly elections 2023. Congress candidate Narendra Budania defeated him from Taranagar seat. Narendra Budania defeated Rajendra Rathod by 9 thousand 7 hundred 27 votes.