You should also be careful, rubbing your eyes repeatedly can damage the cornea

Jaipur : Jaipur If you are suffering from eye problems and keep rubbing your eyes frequently, then be careful. Doing so has an adverse effect on the cornea and it can also get damaged. This can also lead to loss of eyesight. Such cases are coming daily in the OPD of the Ophthalmology Department located in Charak Bhawan of Sawai Man Singh Hospital, in which some patients have to undergo cornea transplant. Experts said that this is a serious eye disease. Till a decade ago, only one or two cases of this disease were found here in the entire month, but now 50 to 60 new cases are coming every month. Most of them are children and youth aged 12 to 20 years. Although most of the patients get cured by taking medicine or by corneal collagen cross linking (C3R) procedure, but in some cases, the only option left is to undergo cornea transplant. Due to this disease, 4 to 5 cornea transplants have to be done every month in SMS Hospital.

This is how the treatment is done: Initially, the patient is given medicines and then the corneal topography is examined with the help of ultramodern machines, which reveals the shape of the cornea. If the cornea is found to be thinner than 400 microns in the examination, then the C3R procedure cannot be done. In such a case, if there is severe keratoconus, then a cornea transplant has to be done.

Keep getting your eyes checked

Keratoconus patients are coming here not only from Rajasthan but also from other neighbouring states including Haryana, Uttar Pradesh. Its cases are more in the summer season. Eye allergy is the main reason for this. Early diagnosis and treatment of this disease is necessary. To prevent such diseases, keep getting your eyes checked from time to time.

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