You should also be careful while visiting tourist places, an accident may happen

Alwar : Alwar Be careful while visiting tourist places during rainy season. There are potholes everywhere on the roads. These are not visible due to waterlogging. If the vehicle is moving at high speed, it can go out of control and life can be lost. Nobody sees the problems of drivers going out of control every day. This is the reason that the concerned departments are sleeping.

Bad condition of Bala Quila, Karni Mata Marg: Most tourists in Alwar city visit Bala Quila, but reaching here is not without danger. The condition of the road has deteriorated after just one rain. There are potholes on the road from Pratapband Marg to Jaipol. The stones have scattered at many places. The wall built on the side of the road going to Karni Mata has also collapsed due to rain, due to which the drivers are losing balance here. This can also cause an accident.

Tourists are looking for the road in the potholes on Siliserh Road: The road to Siliserh, the most famous tourist spot of the district, is also not in good condition. This road is completely damaged. It has become difficult for tourists to reach Siliserh Lake from Siliserh Tiraha. Due to rain, the road is filled with water, due to which the potholes are not visible. There are no street lights on the roads. In such a situation, the possibility of an accident remains here at all times.

Accidents are happening every day on Jaipur Road: Earlier, efforts were made to improve the condition of Jaipur Road but the work was left incomplete. The road from Jaipur Road to Natni Baran has completely deteriorated. There are potholes on the road here. Even pedestrians are unable to walk. Mud has accumulated due to rain. Due to slippery roads, drivers and pedestrians are becoming victims of accidents every day.

The situation here is also bad

Along with this, the roads going to Sagar, Kishankund, Bhartrihari, Pandupol, Ajabgarh, Bhangarh, Jaisamand are also in bad condition. Due to this, tourists are taking more time to reach here. Also, due to waterlogging due to rain, there is always a possibility of accidents. Jaisamand road comes under the irrigation department. Patch work will be done on Bhartrihari road. Budget has also been received for Bala Qila. Approval has been sought from the forest department. The road work of Jaipur Road and Garwaji Road was left incomplete, which will now be completed.

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