You too should be careful, this virus has entered Rajasthan, know its symptoms and prevention

Jaipur : The mystery virus spreading among children has entered Rajasthan as well. Symptoms of Chandipur virus are being seen in many children of tribal areas of Udaipur. It has come to light that a child has died during treatment at the Civil Hospital of Himmatnagar in Gujarat. Another child has similar symptoms and he is also admitted in the Civil Hospital of Himmatnagar in Gujarat. This virus targets children below 15 years of age. Doctors say that this virus directly attacks the brain of children. First, like a normal virus, symptoms like fever appear. Later, the children suddenly go into coma.

Instructions issued to be cautious

The Medical and Health Department has issued an alert across the state regarding Chandipur virus. Information about this disease was received from two villages of Kherwada block of Udaipur district. Director of Public Health Department Dr. Ravi Prakash Mathur says that information has been received about two children of Akhiwada and Nalphala of Kherwada block, an area bordering Gujarat, being infected with Chandipur virus and undergoing treatment. During the examination of both those children, a special type of infection has been reported. Dr. Mathur said that due to delay in treatment, one child could not be saved while the other child is undergoing treatment. His health is also improving.

Samples have been sent to Pune lab

Samples of children in Gujarat who have shown symptoms of Chandipur virus have been sent to National Institute of Virology, Pune so that tests can be conducted for Chandipur virus. Currently, such cases have been reported more in Gujarat. According to the medical department, no case of this disease has been registered in Rajasthan at present. The two children in whom symptoms of Chandipur virus have been found are from Kherwada block. Most of the people of this area reside in Gujarat for employment. As soon as information about infection in children was received on 11th July, instructions have been issued to all CMHOs of the state to take precautions.

Why is this virus named Chandipur?

In 1966, a special type of infection spread rapidly in Chandipur village of Nagpur district of Maharashtra. Many children up to the age of 15 years were affected by this virus. Many of them also died. Since then, this special type of infection is known as Chandipur virus.

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