You will get a reward of 10000 rupees for giving information to the government, know what is the plan

Jaipur : If you also join the campaign to save the environment, you can get a sure reward of 10 thousand. You must be surprised to hear this, but it is true. Pollution Control Board has now taken a tough stand on banned plastic in Rajasthan. Under this, Pollution Control Board will give a reward of up to 10 thousand rupees to those who give information about banned plastic. Seeing the increasing level of pollution due to plastic, Pollution Control Board has expressed concern and taken this big step.

You will get a reward of up to 10 thousand rupees for giving information about plastic

Rajasthan Pollution Control Board has announced to reward the common man for stopping the use of banned plastic. Due to this, now people will be given a cash reward for complaining about the use or sale of any type of banned plastic in the market or around them. For this, a person will get 500 rupees for giving information about at least 50 kg of banned plastic. At the same time, a reward of 10 thousand rupees will be given for giving information about 1 thousand kg of plastic, you just have to give this information to the Pollution Control Board by making a phone call.

Reward for giving information about these banned plastics

According to Rajasthan Pollution Control Board, plastic waste has become a matter of concern globally. Rajasthan Pollution Control Board has started a reward to make the public aware to deal with this. Under this, if any plastic glass, plate, flag, stick, spoon, tray, straw, cutlery items, boxes, card cover of less than 100 micron thickness is seen in any shop or warehouse in the market, then you can immediately call the State Pollution Control Board and complain. After this, the department will take action against those storing, transporting and selling banned plastic items.

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