A strange case has come to light in Rajasthan, a woman’s heart is beating somewhere else, even doctors are surprised

Churu : A woman from Rajasthan was suffering from stomach pain for the last 6 months. When she went to see a doctor, the examination revealed shocking information. The woman has a heart in her chest. But it is beating on the other side. Other organs are also at a different level compared to a normal person. According to doctors, such a case occurs once in a million.

woman visiting doctor

When the woman went to see a doctor after she had stones, she came to know about this. Actually, Nirmala, a resident of Bisau area of ​​Jhunjhunu, had been complaining of stomach pain for the last 6 months. At first, she kept consulting doctors around her village. But when nothing made a difference, she thought of getting treatment from a gynecologist in Churu.

Heart beating on the other side

When the doctor did a sonography, it was found that the woman had a stone in her gall bladder. But the doctor could not find out how big the stone was and which side it was on. After this, the woman’s MRI was done and the doctor was surprised to see the report because the woman’s heart was beating on the right side and not the left. Not only this, the gall bladder was also on the opposite side of her body. After that the woman was admitted to the hospital for treatment.

one case in thousands

Dr Deepak Sharma, who treated the woman, says that operating on this woman was also a challenging task for us because we did not know the structure of the woman’s body, so any change could have been found in the body. At present, the woman has been operated upon and she is completely healthy. The doctor said that many such cases are found in thousands where the body parts are misplaced but this is the 51st case in the world where a woman has been treated even when her organs are misplaced.

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