Buying house and land in Rajasthan will be expensive, know in the video who will be affected and how much

Preparations are underway to increase the government land prices i.e. DLC rates in Rajasthan. Regarding this, a meeting of the District Level Committee (DLC) was held in Jaipur today, in which a discussion was held on increasing the rates by 15 percent. Along with this, it was decided to increase the rates the most in those places where the maximum transactions i.e. registration (buying and selling) have taken place in the last 4-5 years. In this, the maximum transactions have taken place on the lands around the ring road.

DIG Stamp Jaipur Ayub Khan said- This meeting was held today to follow the orders received from the Finance Department of the Government. It was decided in the meeting that the rates should be increased in those places where transactions have increased in the last few years. Apart from this, there is a proposal to increase the DLC rate in those areas where the DLC rate is much lower than the market rates. It will be recommended to increase this increase from 10 to 15 percent.

In fact, the Finance Department has issued an order asking the collectors of all the districts to prepare and send proposals for increasing the DLC rates by June 30. So that after discussing and testing them, they can prepare to increase them from August 1.

Rates will be rounded off
DIG Stamp said- At places where DLC rates are not in multiples of 100, they will be rounded off. Giving an example, he said that at some places the DLC rate is Rs 12,300 per square meter. After increasing it by 15%, the rate becomes Rs 14,145 per square meter. They will be rounded off to either Rs 14,100 or Rs 14,200.

Prices will increase more in rural areas
In the meeting, it was recommended to increase the prices in rural areas more than in urban areas. Because there are still many revenue villages and panchayats where DLC rates are much lower than the market prices. Due to this, neither the government is getting revenue in big transactions nor the farmers are getting adequate compensation after acquisition. In such a situation, prices will be increased as much as possible in these places.

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