Dungarpur : A woman has filed a case of fraud against two people including Dr. Jayesh Gandhi in Dhambola police station. A thyroid patient had called the doctor for an appointment, but got cheated online of more than Rs 99 thousand.
A case of cheating the woman has been registered at Dhambola police station, but the investigation has been handed over to Chaurasi police station officer Sunil Kumar. Sunil Kumar told that Varsha (42), wife of Kaushik Bhatt, resident of Dhambola, has lodged the report. It was told that he was suffering from thyroid disease. He called on phone on 4th November to see Dr. Jayesh Gandhi.
The doctor gave another number for the appointment. On which he called and asked to transfer 1 rupee for the appointment. On that he transferred 1 rupee online. After this, the next day on November 5, a total of Rs 99 thousand 982 was deducted from his account in three separate transactions. He came to know about the money being deducted from his account when he received a message. The police officer told to which account the woman had transferred the money and how she was cheated. Many cases are being investigated.