Everyone is praising this noble work of the police, know the whole matter

Jaipur : On hearing the name of police, a wrong image often comes to mind, but it is not so. Many times the policemen cross their limits and do such work which is praised. Even if the police is from any city or state. One such incident has come to light last night from Baran city of Rajasthan. Shahbad police station of the district has done this unique thing.

This is the case of National Highway no. 27 of Rajasthan

Actually, a train of vehicles was passing on National Highway No. 27 passing through the police station area. Suddenly, a cow walking on the side of the road came to the middle of the road and sat there. At that time, Inspector Prem Singh and Head Constable Sumer Singh of the police station were patrolling there. They tried to remove the cow from there, but the cow lay down on the road. Traffic started getting obstructed.

The calf came out of the cow’s womb and was half hanging

It was found that the cow was pregnant and started moaning in labour pain on the road itself. Before the two policemen could do anything, the child came out of the womb and was half hanging. The cow became more distressed in labour pain. Both the policemen together helped in the delivery and took the child out. During this time, the vehicles coming on the highway were also stopped for some time. Later the mother and the child were removed from there and taken to a safe place.

When even senior police officers started praising him

Let us tell you that when the SP and other police officers got information about this incident, they praised both the policemen. At the same time, users on social media are also saluting the policemen for doing this noble work. Some are calling them the true Rajasthan Police, while some are calling them the real super cops.

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