Udaipur : A fire broke out in a bicycle shop in Surajpol police station area of Udaipur city on Friday night. On receiving the information, a fire brigade was sent from the fire station to the spot in the night and the fire was brought under control. A fire broke out in the JK cycle shop at Surajpol intersection at around 10 pm. Seeing the fire, people passing by stopped and a crowd gathered. Later, information was given at the fire station to call the fire brigade. Senior Accounts Officer of the Collectorate, Ramesh Bawri, who was passing by, said that the fire brigade had also reached the information and meanwhile the fire was being controlled at its level. Meanwhile the fire brigade also reached. It is said that a place for storing goods was made of wood inside the shop. Bicycles were kept on top of it. The fire incident occurred due to short circuit in the shop. The fire caused damage to the goods lying there and the fire brigade controlled the fire as soon as it arrived.