Ganesh Chaturthi festival will be celebrated with great pomp in this district of Rajasthan, auspicious time to buy a vehicle

Ajmer : Ganesh Chaturthi festival is celebrated with great pomp every year in the country. In Ajmer, Rajasthan, vehicles worth more than Rs 25 crore will be purchased in 10 days during the Ganesh Chaturthi festival. Drivers have booked their vehicles on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi. Vehicle dealers say that vehicles worth about 15 crore have been booked on the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi. Delivery of all vehicles will be on Ganesh Chaturthi on September 7. New works like Grihapravesh in a new house and starting a new business are started on Ganesh Chaturthi.

Buying a vehicle brings prosperity and security
Ganesh Chaturthi is a Siddha Muhurta day, which is why more new vehicles are purchased on this day. The auspicious day of Ganesh Chaturthi is considered a very auspicious time to make new purchases, especially for big purchases like a car. People who buy new vehicles believe that buying a car on this festival brings prosperity and security.

People are buying more scooters and bikes
Vehicle dealer Sarveshwar says that the coming months are the season of festivals and weddings, so people are preferring to buy small cars. The dealer says that out of 100 people, 35% are buying cars, the remaining 65% are buying scooters, bikes, electric bikes. People are also enthusiastic about electric bikes. Their booking is increasing daily. Due to high bookings and low vehicles, many showrooms have now stopped giving new vehicles.

Puja arranged in the showroom
Dealers have arranged for Puja Archana at the showroom for car owners on purchasing a new car. Arrangement for immediate finance has been made at the showroom itself with the staff of finance companies. Cash discount has also been kept for car owners who buy a car. Special gifts are also being given to the owners on purchasing the vehicle. This time an offer is also being given of not levying any file charge on finance.

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