Incident of gang rape of a minor in this hospital of Rajasthan, people are angry

Jodhpur : Sick girl gang raped in a government hospital in Rajasthan, the cleaning staff forcibly took her behind the ward, the girl was returned to the family in a bad condition. Once again a minor girl has become a victim of rape in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. This time a 15 year old girl has been brutalized in Jodhpur district. She has been admitted to the hospital in a bad condition. She was already sick and was admitted to the hospital. Today early in the morning when the family members were away for a while, two cleaning staff took her to a secluded place outside the ward in the name of check up and gang raped her there by gagging her. They fled leaving her in that half dead condition, but the police have arrested them.

He took the girl with him in the name of investigation

No official statement has been issued by any police officer in this entire incident, but it is being said that the accused have been arrested. The girl was admitted in the government hospital for a few days and was undergoing treatment in the cottage ward. Her family members were with her. But late at night the cleaning staff had informed the family about some investigation and later today they took the girl with them in the name of this investigation.

She was already ill and her condition deteriorated after the gruesome incident

The police has called the forensic team to the spot. The girl has been medically examined and her report is awaited. She was already ill and has become more ill after this gruesome incident. Till afternoon she was not in a condition to give a statement, she was just crying. However, she has definitely told the police through gestures about the accused who raped her. The police has also investigated the CCTV footage of the surrounding area. The accused are visible in that footage. Police officials say that they are preparing to solve this case soon.

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