Is the ‘man-eater’ still absconding in Udaipur?, has killed 6 people so far

Udaipur : The fear of leopards is not ending in Udaipur. So far 3 people have lost their lives in Chhali Gram Panchayat of Gogunda Tehsil. This area is under the shadow of leopard terror for 6 days. On Tuesday morning, good news came that two leopards were caught together, but within two days, 2 other leopards arrived in the same 5 km radius. The forest department is also shocked by the arrival of leopards in the same area. At the same time, the villagers are constantly raising questions about catching the Adamkhaur leopard.

A 5-year-old girl was attacked last night

The series of leopard terror started last week. First, 16-year-old Kamala was killed by the leopard. Her dead body was found the next day. After this, two people were attacked again, in which they died. The forest department, army and police together searched for the leopard and also set up cages. Two leopards were also trapped. But last night, a leopard again attacked a 5-year-old girl and dragged her dead body in front of the villagers. Footprints of another leopard were found about 1 km away from this incident, which increased the fear among the villagers.

Villagers are protesting by blocking the road

After the death of a five-year-old child, the villagers became angry. They blocked the road in protest. Within a short time, Gogunda SDM and police officials reached the spot. Now talks are going on between the protesting villagers and the officials. The villagers are demanding compensation and are talking about strict prevention of leopard incidents.

The big question is who is the man-eating leopard?

The presence of these two leopards is shocking even for the forest department officials. If we include the pugmarks found in Chhali Gram Panchayat, then there was movement of 3 leopards in a radius of just three kilometers, but even one was not seen after several searches. The question is also that where did the leopard that hunted the girl come from just 5 kilometers away. Because it is believed that the territory of a leopard is 15 to 20 kilometers and so far 4 leopards have knocked in this many kilometers. At present, samples of the captured leopard have been taken and sent to the laboratory. It will be clear when the report comes which is the man-eating panther.

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