Now pictures of students who top the board exams will be put up in all government schools

Bikaner : The education department is making new efforts every day to increase enrollment in government schools, so that the condition of government schools can change. Along with the children, their parents can also get the right information. Now, on the lines of private schools, photos of students who top the board exams will be put up in all government schools. Such students will become a source of inspiration for other students. Children who are block and district toppers in Rajasthan board exams will be publicized at government expense. Large-sized color photos of students who top the 10th and 12th boards in government schools will be put up. Along with this, information about better results of government schools will be given in nearby villages, so that people living in rural areas can know that better education is being done in government schools, which will lead to more enrollment. Instructions have been issued by the education department.

will welcome the children

During the entrance ceremony, children will be welcomed by applying tilak on their foreheads. Also, when new children take admission, the school doors will be decorated so that the students get positive energy on the very first day. Teachers will also meet parents and tell them about the facilities available in government schools and other schemes and motivate them to get their children enrolled. To increase enrollment, the help of Sarpanch, councilor and other public representatives, women workers of Anganwadi will also be taken in urban and rural areas.

Talents will be encouraged

Putting up photos of meritorious students in school will encourage talents. The Education Council has also issued guidelines to the school regarding the entrance ceremony. The instructions of the Education Department will be followed.

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