Political atmosphere heated up regarding population control, know Congress’s reaction on this

Jaipur : Politics has intensified in Rajasthan over the demand for making a law or policy to control population growth. In the last few days, many BJP leaders have given different statements on this issue, due to which the politics of the state has heated up. While the MLAs of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are demanding a population control bill citing development related reasons, the Congress alleges that this initiative is being taken to target a particular community.

4 wives and 36 children cannot be allowed: BJP MLA

A video of the statement of MLA Balmukundacharya from Hawamahal (Jaipur) seat came out on Monday in which he can be heard saying that ‘people of a particular community have four wives and 36 children’ and this cannot be allowed. Talking to reporters in the assembly premises on Tuesday, Balmukundacharya stressed that a population growth control law should be made.

Population growth is a hindrance to development

The BJP MLA further said that everyone is aware of the problems that arise due to population growth and this demand is not from today but from a long time. The MLA said that the way the population is increasing now is an obstacle in the pace of development. He said that if we want to make a prosperous and developed country, then a population control law should be made with everyone’s consent which will be beneficial for everyone.

Even after having 3 wives and 13 children, the man was going to marry for the fourth time

Balmukundacharya said, “I talked to an e-rickshaw driver in my constituency and found out that he has 13 children.” He said, “A sister came to my office and said that she is the third wife of her husband and he is going to marry for the fourth time, stop him.” The MLA said, “I told her that now the law has been made, you go to the police station… go to the women’s police station.”

Minister Kharra said- There will be no government facilities for those having more than three children
Earlier on Sunday, Urban Development and Housing Minister Jhabar Singh Kharra had also said that efforts are being made at the central government level that couples who have more than two or three children should not get the benefit of government facilities.

BJP is targeting a particular community on the pretext of population control
Reacting to these comments, Congress MLA Harimohan Sharma on Tuesday said that the BJP government in the state’s intention is to target only a particular community instead of worrying about the population. He said that if a law is made to control population growth, the Congress will welcome it but the BJP’s aim is to target only one community.

No particular community should be targeted: Congress

Talking to reporters, he said, “The current BJP government talks from a political point of view and with the aim of targeting a particular class. Even today, the Chief Minister expressed concern over population growth and indirectly targeted a particular community. If a law for population control comes, we will welcome it. But their (BJP) aim is to target a particular community more than population control.” He said, “I would request the Chief Minister that instead of targeting in this manner, he should worry about providing two meals a day to the poor sections of the Hindu society and other communities so that the Hindu society which is currently alive can remain safe.”

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