Rajasthan budget will come today, common people will get a big gift in the field of health

Jaipur : The state government has started preparing for major changes in the Chief Minister Ayushman Arogya Bima Yojana. The most important of these includes reducing the insurance amount of Rs 25 lakh and bringing it to a rational coverage amount of Rs 5 or 10 lakh and providing insurance facilities to residents of other states as well. There is also a possibility of amendment in the treatment package amount of private hospitals. In the Chiranjeevi Health Insurance Scheme started by the Congress government, private hospitals had a lot of dispute with the then government regarding the package rates.

Reply to some e-friends… Insurance will be only for 5 lakhs

The next session of the insurance scheme will start from August 1. Now before this, there is confusion among the people who have taken insurance regarding the coverage amount for the next year. On some e-mitras, people are even being told that now the insurance coverage will be available only for Rs 5 lakh. However, the medical department has not officially issued any such order.

Minister has raised questions many times

During the Congress government, the BJP had been continuously calling the insurance coverage amount of Rs 25 lakh a lie. After the BJP government came to power, the current health minister Gajendra Singh Khinvsar has also said many times that the coverage of Rs 25 lakh was misleading the public. In reality, except for one or two cases, no one was treated for more than Rs 13-14 lakh. Treatment of more than Rs 5 lakh was also done in only a few cases.

The insurance is already of Rs 5 lakh only

According to sources, the insurance coverage amount can be increased to Rs 5 lakh and the remaining treatment can be linked to any other scheme. However, even during the previous government, the patient’s insurance was done for Rs 5 lakh only and the payment thereafter was made through a special fund. The insurance coverage of 25 lakhs was irrational. However, we have not made any cuts in it yet. But it should be taken for granted that in the coming days it will be reduced and made rational. Apart from this, there will be some other changes in the scheme as well. There has been no cut in the insurance coverage amount. The scheme continues as before.

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