Relationships put to shame, mother-in-law and sister-in-law did this shameful incident with daughter-in-law, know the story of construction of Bisalpur Dam in the video

Tonk : A case embarrassing the relationship between humanity and family has come to light in Tonk district of Rajasthan. Here, only a demon can do the brutality that her own brother-in-law has done to a woman. When the woman protested against this, her mother-in-law and sister-in-law also treated the woman like beasts. Together they put chilli powder in the private parts of the woman. Not only this, he was also electrocuted. Now the police is investigating the entire matter.

Chilli was put in private parts and current was applied in the body.

The woman gave a report in the Sadar police station of Tonk district and said that her brother-in-law first performed obscene acts on her. After this, the brother-in-law, seeing the woman alone, raped her. When the woman started screaming, her sister-in-law and mother-in-law also came there. The woman thought that both of them would help her. But both of them also treated the woman like savages. Both of them first put chilli in the woman’s private parts and then gave her electric shock at various places.

The woman kept screaming in pain…no one helped

After this incident, the woman continued to suffer from pain for a long time but no one helped her. Instead of helping the woman, all three people kept laughing. According to the victim woman, her husband works as a truck driver. Who mostly stays out of the house for work. Taking this opportunity, the woman was raped by her brother-in-law. After the incident, the woman told the entire incident to her minor son and went with him to register a case with the police.

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