Now there is no mercy for land mafia in Rajasthan, administration is strict, Rajasthan government will do this big thing

Jaipur : To prevent industrial areas from becoming real estate markets, the state government is going to amend the RIICO land disposal rules. In this, the time limit from starting production to imposing penalty can be reduced. Those who buy land at a cheaper rate from the market and make profits by selling it will … Read more

Lovers should be careful, photos of those roaming around late at night can be taken, administration is strict

Jaipur : Along with the miscreants and suspects, those who roam around with their girlfriends at night are also in trouble…Now Jaipur Commissionerate Police is taking photos of the suspects in the blockade done from late night to morning. So that if any crime takes place anywhere in the city or in any area, the … Read more

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