This person came back alive in 5 minutes after touching death in Rajasthan, know the whole matter

Kota : A 65-year-old man in Kota district of Rajasthan has defeated death. The young man who climbed the high tension line to repair electricity got hit by the current. He struggled for life for 5 minutes. After that, his life was miraculously saved. He is currently admitted in the hospital. Everyone is surprised by this incident that how can someone’s life be saved even after such a strong electric shock.

There was a meeting of my brother’s third day, I had climbed the electric pole to fix it

Actually, traders in Krishi Upaj Mandi in Ramganj Mandi area of ​​Kota have hired three young men on contract to repair electricity. The Mandi traders themselves pay them salary. 65 year old Balchand Dhakad is one of them. Today afternoon there was a power outage in the Mandi. This happened due to a short circuit near the pole. In such a situation, the traders called Balchand Dhakad on phone.

He climbed the pole, suddenly the current spread, luckily the supply was cut off in 5 minutes

Local traders said that around 1:30 pm, when Balchand Dhakad was climbing the pole to repair the electricity, he suddenly got a strong shock. Due to which Balchand got stuck and was about to fall down. Other traders who reached there to help him immediately called the JE of the electricity department and got the power supply cut off immediately. After that two youths climbed the pole and brought down the unconscious Balchand. He was immediately admitted to the hospital. He regained consciousness after first aid.

Balchand told what happened in 5 minutes….

Balchand was admitted to the government hospital in Ramganj Mandi. There the doctors started their investigation. Balchand regained consciousness and told that for 5 minutes his whole body was burning from inside, it seemed that now he would not survive. If there was no power cut, death was certain. On the other hand, Doctor Govind says that the internal organs of the body have been damaged due to the current, at present tests are being done. Something can be said only after the report comes. On the other hand, Balchand’s son told that three days ago uncle Durga Lal died of a heart attack. Father and all the family members were in the Teej meeting today. But in between he went to fix the electricity and is now admitted in the hospital.

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