New Delhi, December 10 (IANS). During the winter session of Parliament on Tuesday, the ruling party and the opposition made fierce allegations and counter-accusations against each other in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Due to the noise, the proceedings of both the houses were adjourned for the day. Trinamool Congress Rajya Sabha MP Sushmita Dev said that due to lack of discussion on unemployment, price rise, Manipur crisis and discrimination against West Bengal and the noise of the ruling party, Trinamool MPs walked out of the House.
Speaking to IANS at the Parliament House complex, the Trinamool MP said, “Trinamool Congress walked out of the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. There are some key issues on which we are continuously raising our voice. Unemployment, price rise, Manipur crisis and West Bengal. There should be discussion on the discrimination taking place. Now, if a no-confidence motion has been brought against the Deputy Speaker, it is our constitutional right. Created noise and escalated the matter. All this is happening so that the no-confidence motion can be suppressed and people’s issues can be ignored. Today Trinamool Congress walked out of the House.
Regarding the leadership of the opposition alliance, he said, “There are many parties in the ‘India’ block. Different parties may have different views, especially regarding the leadership. But whatever decision will be taken, it will be.” One fact that will be taken into consideration in the ‘India’ block meeting is that if there is anyone who is making BJP face defeat again and again, it is Mamata Banerjee, just look at the results of the six by-elections. Look at the results. It is clear that BJP is continuously losing in Bengal against Mamata Didi.”